Danny, Whitney & Audrey ~ 8 Month & Family Session ~ Plano Family Photographer

One of my favorite things about this amazing job is that I get to follow families & little ones as they grow. This beautiful family is one of my First Year clients which means I’m lucky enough to follow their sweet baby girl as she grows throughout her first year. The last time I saw Audrey in person was for her newborn session. It’s so hard to believe that she is now 8 months old and sitting up like a champ! Danny & Whitney post the cutest photos of her on Facebook, but there’s no way  to compare it to how adorable she is in person! We held their session last weekend and had amazing weather for it. We met at one of my favorite spots in Plano for their family & baby photo session. Audrey was the perfect little subject & gave me the best smiles!

Danny & Whitney ~ it was so wonderful seeing you guys again!! Thank you for letting me be a tiny part of your life & follow your amazing baby as she grows! 🙂

Here’s a tiny peek at their session!

Isn’t she the cutest?? Her little cheeks are the best!

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  • Marti OdenI went to elementary-HS with Danny. Such a beautiful family. Agreed – best cheeks!! Loving the pics. Ironically, my family also lives in Plano and we have a 6 mo old little girl.ReplyCancel

  • Aunt AnnaYou have a beautiful little girl. Anyone can see she is the center of your world and that is exactly the way it should be! Love you!ReplyCancel

  • annSo cute. Love the purple hat.ReplyCancel

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